If you installed a application and want to access it from your desktop or launcher panel then you have to create the launcher icon (app shortcut). Suppose I want to create a launcher for “Aptana Studio 3”. I need to create a file with file extention .desktop in /usr/share/applications that contains informations about my application.
1 2 3 | $ sudo vi /usr/share/applications/Aptana.desktop |
In this file, I need to past some informations about my application which are:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | [Desktop Entry] Version=3 Type=Application Terminal=false StartupNotify=true Icon=/usr/src/Aptana_Studio_3/icon.xpm Name=Aptana Comment=Programming IDE Exec=/usr/src/Aptana_Studio_3/AptanaStudio3 Categories=Application;Development; |
Don’t forget to change informations that consern you application. (Probably, you’ll need to change: Icon, Name, Comment, Exec and Categories)