WebRTC offers web application developers the ability to write rich, realtime multimedia applications (think video chat) on the web, without requiring plugins, downloads or installs. It’s purpose is to help build a strong RTC platform that works across multiple web browsers, across multiple platforms.
The overall architecture looks something like this:
You will notice two distinct layers.
1. Browser developers will be interested in the WebRTC C++ API and the capture / render hooks at their disposal.
2. Web App developers will be interested in the Web API. Visit Official Site: http://www.webrtc.org/
Demo: http://www.webrtc.org/demo
AppRTC:apprtc.appspot.com is a webrtc demo application hosted on App Engine. Developed by Google and Mozilla, it enables both browsers to “talk” to each other using the WebRTC API.
Live Demo: https://apprtc.appspot.com/ http://youtu.be/MsAWR_rJ5n8
What is WebRTC: